As the nation is blanketed in snow and freezing temperatures there are several people realizing that what they thought were strong batteries turn out to be dead in a short amount of time. The fact is that cold weather will kill the performance of your batteries. Without regular use or regular charging schedules, batteries will lose its strength.

There are two types of vehicles that often get overlooked when it comes keeping batteries charged and powerful. First of all we have motorcycle batteries which are not ridden during the cold winter weather but when the warmer temperatures hit riders are forced to spend hundreds of dollars on new motorcycle batteries. By keeping a battery tender on your motorcycle you can keep that battery in great working order and when spring comes around you can hit the road without worry.

The other often forgotten area of battery maintenance is in wheelchairs. Wheelchair batteries are critical for those that require help when doing everyday activities like shopping and getting from place to place. When these batteries start to run low it will reduce the overall quality of the product, often giving less and less power as the battery loses power. Look for warning lights or an audible sound that warns the user that the wheelchair battery is starting to run low on power.

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